Ruta Maya Organic Jiguaní Whole Bean Coffee 5 lb

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Café Jiguaní™ (Mouth of the River) refers to the indigenous people of Cuba, mainly Taino Indians. The city Jiguaní is in the Province of Granma, which also includes the lush mountains of the Sierra Maestra, Cuba's main coffee region. Ruta Maya's Café Jiguaní celebrates historic connections between the indigenous people of the Caribbean and the Maya of the Yucatan.All three varieties of our Jiguaní blend share flavor profiles consistent with Ruta Maya’s primary line, with nuttier undertones and hints of cacao.Shade-grown 100% Arabica beans, certified USDA organic by the Texas Department of Agriculture. Cultivated by a cooperative of Maya Indian farmers in the Highlands of Chiapas, Mexico.Features:5 lb bagWhole bean Dark Roast Coffee USDA Certified OrganicArabicaShade grownRegion: Latin America

Features: Dark Roast 5 lbs of Whole Bean Coffee


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