5 Simple Keto Breakfast Ideas for a Quick Breakfast

5 Simple Keto Breakfast Ideas for a Quick Breakfast

Following a ketogenic diet can be difficult because of certain dietary restrictions. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, they say, so it's crucial to have a good and filling breakfast while on a keto diet to avoid cravings and hunger later in the day. Here are 5 simple keto breakfast ideas that do not require much preparation or cooking and are perfect for somebody who's always on the go!

1. Keto Cereal/Granola

Cereal is one of the most common breakfast foods due to it's simplicity. Put the cereal in the bowl, pour some milk on top of it and, voila, your breakfast is ready! But we have two problems here: you can't eat cereal, nor drink regular milk on keto. So what do we do? Well, here at ShelHealth, we have a few keto cereal options:

 That's great! We got the cereal down. But what about the milk? Well, we have some keto-friendly milk substitutes as well:

2. Breakfast Keto Sandwich

Breakfast sandwiches are another common breakfast food. Simply take a slice of bread, put a slice of cheese, some ham on top, maybe some mustard, and you're good to go! Ham, cheese and mustard are all keto-friendly, as they have no or very little carbs. The bread, however, is a carb overload. Well, sweat no more - at Shelhealth, we have multiple keto bread options for you to choose for for your keto breakfast ideas:

3. Keto Pancakes 

While regular pancakes are usually heavy on carbs, with some simple substitutions to the mix, you can make your pancakes keto-friendly. Simply replace flour with blanched almond flour; milk with one of the keto-friendly milk substitute options mentioned above; sugar with stevia or other sweeteners; and regular syrup with a sugar-free syrup. All of the sudden, your pancakes are keto friendly! 

Or, if you don't have much time to prep the mix, just get one of the keto pancake mixes:

4. Keto Protein Bars

No food is better on the go than a protein bar. If you are in a rush and don't have time to prep food at all, just grab one of our keto protein bars and it will keep you full until your lunch or pre-lunch snack. Here are some of our best keto protein bar options:

5. Favorite American Breakfast - Eggs & Bacon

If it ain't broke, don't fix it! Or so they say. Eggs and bacon is an All-American favorite breakfast is fully keto-friendly. Neither eggs, nor bacon have much carbs, so you are safe to eat them on a keto diet. However, there are some caviats! You cannot use ketchup on the side, unfortunately. You can substitute the ketchup for mustard, though, if you're a fan of it. Also, no hashbrows. Hashbrowns are made of potatoes and have a ton of carbs! As long as you are eating the plain eggs & bacon, you are good to go!

We hope that these 5 simple quick keto breakfast ideas helped you make your keto diet easier to follow and provided you with some inspiration for your breakfast options. If you have any suggestions, feel free to leave a comment! Also, follow us here and on social media for more articles on keto-friendly foods and keto diet!

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